Friday, 28 January 2011

St. Katharine Drexel

St. Katharine Drexel: The anti-Margaret Sanger saint

I found this brief biog on the Vatican website:


Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in the United States of America, on November 26, 1858, Katharine Drexel was the second daughter of Francis Anthony Drexel and Hannah Langstroth. Her father was a well known banker and philanthropist. Both parents instilled in their daughters the idea that their wealth was simply loaned to them and was to be shared with others.

When the family took a trip to the Western part of the United States, Katharine, as a young woman, saw the plight and destitution of the native Indian-Americans. This experience aroused her desire to do something specific to help alleviate their condition. This was the beginning of her lifelong personal and financial support of numerous missions and missionaries in the United States. The first school she established was St. Catherine Indian School in Santa Fe, New Mexico (1887).

Later, when visiting Pope Leo XIII in Rome, and asking him for missionaries to staff some of the Indian missions that she as a lay person was financing, she was surprised to hear the Pope suggest that she become a missionary herself. After consultation with her spiritual director, Bishop James O'Connor, she made the decision to give herself totally to God, along with her inheritance, through service to American Indians and Afro-Americans.

Her wealth was now transformed into a poverty of spirit that became a daily constant in a life supported only by the bare necessities. On February 12, 1891, she professed her first vows as a religious, founding the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament whose dedication would be to share the message of the Gospel and the life of the Eucharist among American Indians and Afro-Americans.

Always a woman of intense prayer, Katharine found in the Eucharist the source of her love for the poor and oppressed and of her concern to reach out to combat the effects of racism. Knowing that many Afro-Americans were far from free, still living in substandard conditions as sharecroppers or underpaid menials, denied education and constitutional rights enjoyed by others, she felt a compassionate urgency to help change racial attitudes in the United States.

The plantation at that time was an entrenched social institutionin which the coloured people continued to be victims of oppression. This was a deep affront to Katharine's sense of justice. The need for quality education loomed before her, and she discussed this need with some who shared her concern about the inequality of education for Afro-Americans in the cities. Restrictions of the law also prevented them in the rural South from obtaining a basic education.

Founding and staffing schools for both Native Americans and Afro-Americans throughout the country became a priority for Katharine and her congregation. During her lifetime, she opened, staffed and directly supported nearly 60 schools and missions, especially in the West and Southwest United States. Her crowning educational focus was the establishment in 1925 of Xavier University of Louisiana, the only predominantly Afro-American Catholic institution of higher learning in the United States. Religious education, social service, visiting in homes, in hospitals and in prisons were also included in the ministries of Katharine and the Sisters.

In her quiet way, Katharine combined prayerful and total dependence on Divine Providence with determined activism. Her joyous incisiveness, attuned to the Holy Spirit, penetrated obstacles and facilitated her advances for social justice. Through the prophetic witness of Katharine Drexel's initiative, the Church in the United States was enabled to become aware of the grave domestic need for an apostolate among Native Americans and Afro-Americans. She did not hesitate to speak out against injustice, taking a public stance when racial discrimination was in evidence.

For the last 18 years of her life she was rendered almost completely immobile because of a serious illness. During these years she gave herself to a life of adoration and contemplation as she had desired from early childhood. She died on March 3, 1955.

Katharine left a four-fold dynamic legacy to her Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, who continue her apostolate today, and indeed to all peoples:

– her love for the Eucharist, her spirit of prayer, and her Eucharistic perspective on the unity of all peoples;

– her undaunted spirit of courageous initiative in addressing social iniquities among minorities — one hundred years before such concern aroused public interest in the United States;

– her belief in the importance of quality education for all, and her efforts to achieve it;

– her total giving of self, of her inheritance and all material goods in selfless service of the victims of injustice.

Katharine Drexel was beatified by Pope John Paul II on November 20, 1980.

Canadian bishops call youth to chastity |

Canadian bishops call youth to chastity |

Left-wing bias ‘written into the BBC’s DNA’ - veteran BBC broadcaster |

Left-wing bias ‘written into the BBC’s DNA’ - veteran BBC broadcaster |

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

If misogeny=man hates woman what does women hating women =?

Fallible Blogma – A Catholic Social Commentary

Victory for common sense

Victory as Christian health worker restored to work and offered a better job after intervention by the Christian Legal Centre | Christian Concern

Catholic Insight : Euthanasia : Dying with real dignity

Catholic Insight : Euthanasia : Dying with real dignity

Catholic Insight : Euthanasia : Euthanasia Part I: Catholic doctrine

Catholic Insight : Euthanasia : Euthanasia Part I: Catholic doctrine

Catholic Insight : Features : The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to corrupt

Catholic Insight : Features : The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to corrupt

Ronald Reagan Endorses Personhood: Logic, clarity, compassion.

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Catholic Culture : Off the Record : treasures in earthed vessels

Catholic Culture : Off the Record : treasures in earthed vessels

Do I laugh or cry?  Here is the last sentence in the article:
"More about water, less about sin. More about the earth, less about Christ. Somehow one suspects that Rev. Dr. Stratford’s proposed language will be more in keeping with the “lived experience” of membership in the 21st-century Church of England. " 

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Great insight. Five Changes to Expect with the New Missal The Chant Café

A good blog for Catholic musicians or lay people who love good music, inspiring music, at Mass: Five Changes to Expect with the New Missal The Chant Café

Weigel discusses Communist infiltration of Church institutions

This link will take the reader to others which describe how deeply imbedded were Communist agents in Hungary in the Catholic seminaries.  I can believe it because I heard a Notre Dame professor, Alice von Hildebrand, describe the activities of a friend of hers who used to be one a recruiter for such agents.  This woman told Alice she personally recruited about 2,000 agents to infiltrate the Catholic Church around the world.  Their job was to destroy her from within.  Unbelievable.  I hope they all converted eventually!   It makes me wonder about some priests giving bad example, giving wicked advice to their parishioners - ie: encouraging dissent from Church teachings and so on, the things one hears daily. 

Catholic Culture : Latest Headlines : Weigel discusses Communist infiltration of Church institutions

Catholic Culture : In Depth Analysis : Accommodations in Converting Muslims

Catholic Culture : In Depth Analysis : Accommodations in Converting Muslims

Friday, 7 January 2011

The penny Catechism page of Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice

The penny Catechism page of Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice

What are Western women allowing themselves into with their cowlike subservience to immorality?

I'm hopping mad w Planned Parenthood's latest publication, see post below this. Are decent Western parents going to wake up now or not? If you have been supporting the idea of the existance of groups like Planned Parenthood or Marie Stopes clinics worldwide and all the rest of the feminist propoganda that is leading inexorably towards more exploitation of women, especially in poor countries but not only there, then read the following and consider what future is opening up for the West, between the successes of liberal, irreligious politicians and the steady advance of Islam demographically thanks to said liberals' stupidity and wickedness.

Ayatollah R Khomeini, Supreme Leader of Iran and the Shia Grand Ayatollah between 1979 and 1989 who is considered a saint among Shias said in his book "Tahrirolvasyleh", " ...a man may quench sexual lust with infant girls. However, he should not penetrate. Sodomising the baby is halal (permitted). If the child is damaged then he is responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however, does not count as one of their four permanent wives. (!!! Damage her so no other man will marry her but don't marry her yourself!!!) Any father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven." Please note: a baby girl may be sodomised but there is no mention of boys. I really am incandescent with anger this morning.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

In the Light of the Law: Cuomo’s concubinage and holy Communion

In the Light of the Law: Cuomo’s concubinage and holy Communion

Assasination of Salman Taseer in Punjab

Mr. Taseer was a decent, brave, politician. The blasphemy law of Pakistan has been used over and over in a variety of unjust ways to oppress, persecute, and kill harmless Pakistani citizens who happen to believe a different version about God. I pray Mr. Taseer's example will inspire millions of Pakistanis to come out and show the face of Islam that is constantly described as kind, humane, compassionate, reasonable. For me, these characteristics are not shown in generous quantities anywhere today by the majority of practicing Muslims. If and where it exists, it seems permanently cowed and cowardly in the face of militant Muslims' threats. What a difference between "moderate" Muslims who lose their voices as soon as they are threatened, and the bravery of Christians who have been murdered unjustly for their Faith in their mega-millions for two thousand years! Not just under Islam, especially in the first five centuries after Mohammed, but think Stalin, think Hitler, think the un-Christian despots of South America, think China. Think UK, where to voice your beliefs about the sanctity of life, or the sinfulness of certain lifestyles, ensures you will lose your job. When Catholics and other Christians are given the opportunity to describe their beliefs, they try to do so in a calm, charitable way, trying to teach, and never threatening - or worse, actually harming the person they are talking to. To kill someone for a sin of the flesh is unthinkable to Christians. Most Muslims think it is a correct punishment, while they will overlook a murder when it is convenient! I will never believe there is such a person as a genuinely moderate Muslim because at the slightest threat to their personal comfort they back off. To me, they are all experts in "taqqiyah" when they try to present their religion as a religion of peace. I can tell dissumulation a mile away, having lived in Saudi for years. Jesus called Satan the father of ALL lies............. If Muslims "believe in Jesus" as I have been told personally many times, why don't they follow his teachings? He also said, "Turn the other cheek", and "Do good to your enemies", and Muslims certainly don't do these. If a Muslim reads my blog and is angered, I ask him to consider how he would feel if he was imprisoned and then stoned to death or shot in a European country because he let it be known he did not believe in God as a Trinity?

Monday, 3 January 2011

Catholic Culture : On The News : The most eye-opening book of 2010

Catholic Culture : On The News : The most eye-opening book of 2010

Christian Order

A most exciting and inspiring Catholic magazine to this Catholic who is sick of political correctness in the RC world, and wants to hear only the Truth. Try it! If you have suffered years of perplexity, even anguish, at the all the contradictions around you in Roman Catholic parishes today, this magazine will clarify the reasons, and make you want to do your bit via prayer and letter writing or passing the word verbally.

  Christian Order