Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Christian Medical Comment: The demographic time bomb and euthanasia

Christian Medical Comment: The demographic time bomb and euthanasia: I have previously warned that unless something is done to reverse current demographic trends, economic necessity, together with the ‘cultur...

Christian Medical Comment: Matthew Parris, iconoclast once more. But will the...

Christian Medical Comment: Matthew Parris, iconoclast once more. But will the...: Mathew Parris has featured on this blog before for his comments about the Christian faith , but last week he once again challenged the dogm...

4 Myths about the Crusades

Brilliant book by Paul F. Crawford. Read this and you'll understand why Christians do not need to apologise for the Crusades. Muslims need to apologise to us for stealing our lands, over and over, with violence of every kind. They are now trying again to get back into Europe, and the craven politicians who lead us are stalling from confronting militant Islam, preferring to believe the majority of Muslims believe in peaceful co-existance. They do - a peaceful existance for themselves, doing what they want to do and how they want to do it, including dhimmitude for non-Muslims, and including female oppression and the horrifying torture of cutting out the clitoris and inner vaginal lips, usually done to little girls of about nine years old on a household table or even the floor without anaesthetic, then sewing everything tightly together to create a massive, hideous scar that a future husband has to try and break with his penis. (If he can't - by the way, imagine the pain this gives to his bride), she has to be taken to hospital... Let us stand up for ourselves at last, stand up for the Christian way of thinking that is kind to women and children, kind to the stranger (but not obliged to host traitors!), and kind to the sick and the elderly and disabled.