Sunday, 27 February 2011

Muslim convert to Catholicism

Catholic Culture : News Features

I heard Magdi Allam speaking live after his baptism to a group of reporters outside St. Peter's in Rome.  One of them said he was causing offense to Muslims deliberately by choosing a public Baptism.  Catholics are generally baptised in public by their local bishop.  The Pope is the Bishop of that part of Rome where Allam is resident.  The Pope only baptises once a year, at Easter, so the ceremony attracts a natural attention.  Allam was asked if he would like to be baptised elsewhere, in view of his high profile as Editor of a major Italian newspaper, Corriere della Sera. He already had an armed escort, 24/7 provided by the newspaper because of his clarifications and criticisms of the inherent violence in Islamic doctrines on various  TV shows and interviews.  He said Italy is full of ex-Muslim converts living in the "catacombs", referring to their fear of going public because of the real danger of they or their family members being murdered by their families or confreres. According to the Qur'an, it is impossible for Muslims to convert, and those who do are apostates for whom the penalty is death. Often this is carried out by angry family members who feel "shamed". When I learn of these honour killings, I pray for my own anger to be lifted from me by Jesus. I find it very hard to do as Christ did, to turn the other cheek, to love my enemy. I take hope in my belief that God Himself will shame those killers when they meet Him face to face in the next life. Mr. Allam said he knew and accepted the risk he was taking. Catholics do not tell Muslims whom they may convert, he said, and Muslims cannot tell the Catholic Church who she should baptise and when or where it can be done. He said his wife also accepted he may be martyred.

Today, May 4th 2012, I have just read the full letter Mr Allam wrote to his boss at Corriere della Sera.  It is one of the articles in Christian Order journal, page 31 in Vol.53, Number 4, titled "Easter Liberation".  I invite you to order the journal, it costs only £2.80 and it gives a traditional RC view of Church life.

1 comment:

Morag Marinoni said...

I posted this in the hopes of educating people about the risks taken by Muslims who convert to Christianity, even in Europe let alone in Islamist staes.