Pope Francis at W.Y.D: "It is from Mary that the Church learns true discipleship. That is why the Church always goes out on mission in the footsteps of Mary." Indeed. For only she is 'Filled with all Grace', overflowing with the fruits of the Holy Spirit, a trustworthy guide to the Logos made Flesh, for she bore Him, nurtured Him, taught Him and will help us find Him, ( if we are not too proud to model ourselves on her - or too proud to ask for her intercession). Her friends at Cana obtained Jesus' first miracle through her kindly intervention, in spite of the fact that Jesus was reluctant at first - on the face of it - to agree. He was testing her willingness to walk with Him into His ministry which would be filled with hardship for her and have an ending that would "pierce her heart also". She responded with a simple, "Do as He tells you", to the servants.
God has made it abundantly clear with copious miracles over the centuries from the moment He gave Mary to us as our spiritual mother, that He is pleased when we use her as our model of a good Christian, obedient to Christ in all His teachings - not just the ones that suit us. By giving her to us at Calvary, it is obvious He meant us to run to her for help sometimes. We are not obliged to do so, it is is not a doctrine of the Church that we have to pray to her, but we are pleasing Him when we do. It shows humility for one thing. So many people sniff at the idea: 'why should we go to Him via a mere woman when we may approach the King of Kings directly?'
I am unable to presume I will be saved. I am able only to hope, and I willingly accept all the help God is happy for me to use. "Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord!' will enter the kingdom of
heaven, but only the one who does the will of My Father in heaven." Matt 7:21.
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